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WL Branch Meeting Guest Speaker Serena Neels

Branch News |
Cariboo Memorial Hospital Nursing Unit Clerk Serena Neels, answered our request to speak at our monthly Branch meeting to give us an overview of services provided at our Hospital’s long term care facility, Deni House and their continued need for funding.  She advised Deni House includes 19 beds for permanent residents as well as 9 short stay beds that offers respite, convalescent and palliative care. Serena also explained that Deni House offers an outside Adult Day Program which provides meals, day activities and bathing for clients who may be frail, and Dependant on someone else for care. For those of us who have visited someone  have found the facility is very well structured for appearance and so accommodating for wheel chairs and other means of mobility. The staff are just excellent. They are always happy, cheerful and so helpful that you are immediately at ease. Understandably, our Branch then moved to donated $300.00 to this worthy facility.

Serena did very well explaining this wonderful facility.

Thank you so much Serena.
