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South Interior Power Pioneers May Report

Branch News |
Hello Members!

The attached is your branch news for May…. and I’m going to emphasize a couple of items that are of a time sensitive nature!!
THE GOLF TOURNAMENT IS A GO FOR JUNE  – Jim Clouston (your tourney organizer / co-ordinator) has been receiving registrations, and my last update was there are thirty people ready to chase that little white ball!  So if your interested in joining in the golfing fun… get your name to Jim asap… all details of prices, and meal choices are on the front page of the news!  Take note of the deadlines!
VOLUNTEER HOUR DOLLARS FOR CHARITY!  Check the news…. we’re looking for input as to what charity you would like to see receive some well deserved and needed  $$’s.  WE NEED / WANT YOUR INPUT!
Only one more luncheon before we take our summer break? it seems we just got going!  We hope to see you there.
News letter below.