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South Interior Power Pioneer November Report

Branch News |
Hi everyone….  you will find your November Newsletter and our remembrance of our power pioneers that have passed this last year.

I have a couple of notes to accompany today’s letter:
CHRISTMAS LUNCH RESERVATIONS – as of yesterday I have received reservations and $$’s for 56 to attend our Christmas Lunch on Dec 6/22.  There’s still time to book.
For those reservations that I have received and processed – you will receive a confirmation in a separate email this afternoon.
If you do not receive a confirmation AND you have sent your reservation – please let me know so I can watch for its arrival.  My list is updated as of yesterday Nov 10, so it could be in the mail, but it’s important that I know so I can add your name to my “Waiting to Arrive” List!
BEEF & BOUQUETS – thanks to those Nov lunch attendees who made comments on our B&B sheets.  If anyone has any comments, suggestions, ideas that you would like to share… please send to me and I will present them to  your executives at our next meeting. – Thanks!
We look forward to a very successful Christmas affair and to seeing many of you again!