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South Interior Branch “Festival of Trees”

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Once again the South Interior Power Pioneers Helped the United Way set up the Christmas tress at the Vernon Lodge.  This year there were 12 trees that needed to be set up, fluffed and have the lights installed.  When that was complete the Power Pioneer tree was decorated.  This years theme was “Power Pioneer Elves”.   All the decorations were hand made.  The tree won first prize for “Most Unique”.

Part of the tree crew
Part of the tree crew.
Power Pioneer Elves. The little devils are right in the tree ! ! !
Power Pioneer Elves.  The little devils are right in the tree ! ! !
This little gal seems to be enjoying the tree.
This little gal seems to be enjoying the tree.
This guy is happy too.
This guy is happy too.
Here is another one with his head in the tree ! ! !
Here is another one with his head in the tree ! ! !

This year we got front row billing in the window of the Lodge.
This year we got front row billing in the window of the Lodge.