Don’t miss this opportunity to influence your Power Pioneers organization as we plan for the future.
We are gathering feedback from members, non-members and BC Hydro employees nearing retirement. As the demographic of our organization continues to change, we want to continue to serve the needs of our members while understanding what may be of interest to future members.
Your feedback will give us a starting place to understand what is important to you, what you would like to see more of (or less of) and what we can do to stay relevant and be an inviting place for new members.
We will use this information to enhance programs, activities and membership drives. The findings will also be shared with you in an upcoming newsletter.
If you have questions about the survey, or need help,
contact Lorilee Koltai at
To start the survey, scan the QR code or click on the blue link button below. The survey should take between five and ten minutes.
Thank you in advance!
Lorilee Koltai, Ros LeBlanc, Lois Earle and Rob Kikkert,
Power Pioneers Provincial Executive |