Instead of a ramble this month, the committee tried something new – An outing to the Langley Airport and a visit to and tour of the Museum of Flight. Pacific member and Museum volunteer, Eric Jacobsen, suggested this outing and helped set it up. Although the weather wasn’t great, the outing was a huge success, with twenty-five attendees – many of whom don’t normally attend the rambles. Our photographer, Wayne McLeod, even went back sometime later to get a few photos in the sunshine. Thanks Wayne, for your great work and extra effort.
This is how the museum usually looks, with the sun shining on the sign.Many of the great displays were outside and looked a lot better in the sunshine.Ted MacKinnon and Carole Nelson posed inside a 747 engine intake.The displays inside the museum were incredible.Outside in the rain, Ellen Ratzlaff looked over a CF-100 fighter jet from the 50’s and 60’s.One of the highlights of the tour was a fully restored DC-3. This sign gave it’s history.The aircraft looked even better in the sunshine as the traffic passed on 216th Street.The “Flying Flea” demonstrated the size difference of the aircraft on display.All bundled up against the weather, the Power Pioneers boarded the aircraft for their imaginary flight.Once inside, the folks got to re-live the experience of comfortable flight. At least they were comfortable until they found out who their pilot was. Wayne was on the other side of the camera for a change.Inside the museum, it was warm as well as dry and some of the displays went back to the earliest days of flight.Former pilot Phil Miller liked the feel of the old wooden propeller on this biplane.Phil, along with Velma Derksen, Barb and Ernie Winkelmann,Mary Neufeld, and Ellen Ratzlaff listened intently as their tour guide explained one of the displays.
When the touring was finished, the group didn’t have far to go to find a fine lunch in dry comfort at Adrian’s at the airport.