As this is our last luncheon prior to the Christmas season, planning and discussion for our two major holiday events will be our main focus.
The Festival of Trees decorating event will be scheduled for late November, so we need to discuss who would like to participate.
Our annual Christmas Luncheon is scheduled for December 3, 2024, and a conversation on who can help out with preparation and activities is needed.
Pat and I will have returned from our Greece holiday, and the Power Pioneer Annual General Meeting. This Luncheon will help us prepare for our two holiday events.
The Festival of Trees will involve decorating a Christmas themed tree for a Children’s Hospital fund raising event.
Our Christmas Luncheon is scheduled for December 3.
Both events require assistance in the planning, preparation and activity. As many hands make the work easy, we are hoping that others from our Branch could help out. If you can participate, please let Pat or I know. You can contact us at
Pat and Mike Brandson, Branch chair