The 100 Mile Power Pioneers are getting ready for summer. Power Pioneers are invited to an afternoon of good food and friendly company on beautiful Lac La Hache. We’re hoping that you can come.
WHEN: Thursday July 4, 2024
TIME: 11:30am until approximately 2:00pm
PLACE: Dot’s home at 4072 McKinley Drive, Lac La Hache
MENU: There will be barbequed hamburgers, salads, dessert, cold drinks, tea & coffee. No need to bring any food. All will be provided
Directions: From Hwy 97 in Lac La Hache, turn right from the north or left from the south. The house is at the top of the first little hill on the lake side of McKinley Drive.
Please reply to this post to confirm acceptance of this invitation by Monday, June 17th to allow time for planning and purchasing of supplies.
Contact: Dot Buckoll at 250-305-8722 or dotbuckoll@gmail.com